How do I add an event to this website?
You must be logged into the website (
Prepare your content for the calendar.
- Have an image to post. This should be a jpg, jpeg or webp type image – BE CERTAIN THIS IMAGE IS NOT COVERED BY ANY COPYRIGHT – best to use a photo you have taken or a poster you have produced
- Size the image to 1200 pixels wide by 465 pixels tall, with a ratio of 2.58:1. The minimum size is 940 pixels wide by 557 pixels tall, with a ratio of 1.69:1. Generally this is landscape image – if you are using portrait, please resize to 1200 tall by 465 wide. You might have to use additional software to resize the image. (On a MAC for example, use the preview tool and go to Menu>Tools>Adjust Size set the size to be in pixels and make the longer side 1200. Resize proportionally.
- Know the date and time of your event.
- Know the price of your event
- Know where the event will be held
- Know who is hosting the event
- If you have multiple price categories, add them to the description of the Event. Add the adult full price in the fee field