For information on the current CORONAVIRUS (Covid-19) in Haddington please use our dedicated page
Please check our Facebook page for all up to-date posts on whats happening and information in the Area. https://www.facebook.com/groups/HaddingtonCommunityCouncil/
Emergency Services & Numbers
- The police non-emergency number – 101
- NHS 24 – 111
- Haddington Police – 39 Court Street, Haddington EH41 3AE 01620 824101 (NON EMERGENCY ONLY)
- Health & Social Care Partnership (H&SCP) and Property Maintenance 24/7 Contact Centre 01875 612 818
- SEPA flood line – 0345 988 1188
- Electricity Power cut – 105 or 0800 092 9290
- Gas Smell gas? – 0800 111 999
- Scottish Water – Tel. 0845 601 8855
Local Medical Help
- Tyne Medical Practice –
Tel: 01620 823 183
https://tynemedicalpractice.co.uk/ - Orchard Medical Practice
Tel: 01620 825497
http://www.orchardmedprac.scot.nhs.uk/ - Lammermuir Medical Practice
Tel: 01620 825051
https://www.lammermuirmedicalpractice.scot.nhs.uk/ - East Lothian Community Hospital
0131 536 8300
- Market Street Pharmacy 22 Market Street, Haddington EH41 3JE 01620 823557 romanespharmacy.co.uk
- Right Medicine 20 High Street, Haddington EH41 3ES 01620 822361 rightmedicinepharmacy.co.uk
- BOOTS 35-36 High St, Haddington EH41 3EE, 01620 823349 boots.com
Defibrillator Locations
- Royal Bank of Scotland, Court Street, opposite the Cash machine in their foyer. (If you get mixed up with the Bank of Scotland, it’s the one closest to the Town Centre). 24 hours
- Peartree Nursery in Meadowpark 24 hours
- Haddington Bowling Club car park Wemyss Place, Haddington EH41 4DL 24 hours
- Haddington Fire Station 24 hours
- Haddington Community Hospital 24 Hours
- Newton Port Health Centre Opening Hours only
- Newton Port Clinic Opening Hours only
- Tesco Superstore Newton port 7am-10pm opening hours only
- Haddington Town House Opening Hours only
- Knox Academy – 1st right after Main Door, then 1st right into corridor. Opening Hours only
- Haddington Athletic 3G Sports pitch, Whittinghame Drive Opening Hours only
- Haddington Rugby Club – Neilson Park Opening Hours only
- Read & Watters dentist, lane up to TESCO off Market Street. Opening Hours only
- Family Dental Practice, 78 Market Street Opening Hours only
- East Lothian Council offices John Muir House in the main reception Opening Hours only
- Bridge Centre Opening Hours only
- Aubigny Sport Centre, Mill Wynd Opening Hours only
- Haddington Golf Club Opening Hours only
- Athelstaneford Village Hall Opening Hours only
Download the CROWDSAV App for a map of all defibrillators around the country in your pocket
- Sidegate Dental Practice 7 Sidegate, Haddington EH41 4BT – 01620 824 033
- Family Dental Practice 78 Market Street, Haddington EH41 3JJ – 01620 822 537
- Read & Watters Dental 48 Market Street, Haddington EH41 3JE – 01620 823 395
- The Dental Lounge 40 Court Street, Haddington , EH41 3NP – 01620 825 505
Local Schools
- Knox Academy (01620 823387)
- Haddington Primary School (Lower campus 01620 823 271, Upper Campus 01620 822177)
- St Mary’s RC Primary School (01620 823298)
- Athelstaneford Primary (01620 880 241)
Local Health
- East Lothian Counselling Coaching & Hypnotherapy 01875 812280
- Arthritis Care Scotland provide local support and information for people with arthritis, their families and carers. 0141 954 7776
- Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland – 0131 225 6963 or 0808 801 0899
- Stroke Association scotland@stroke.org.uk Phone: 0131 555 7240
- East Lothian Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation Group 0787 253 8799
- Capability Scotland capability-scotland.org.uk or call 0131 337 9876
- MS Therapy Centre Lothian 0131 554 5384
Local Churches
- St Marys Parish Church Alison.McDonald@churchofscotland.org.uk 01620 823109/07734 760309
- West Parish Church 01620 822213
- Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 01620 826667
- ST Mary RC Church 01620 822138
- Athelstaneford Church 01620 880536
- Haddington Community Church 07545 316699
Local Support & Advice Lines
- ELC Health & Social Care Partnership (H&SCP) and Property Maintenance 24/7 Contact Centre 01620 827827
- East Lothian Council Social work Contact Centre on 01875 824 309 or 0800 731 6969
- Scottish Welfare fund – 01620 828790
- Haddington Community Council resiliency advice number 07592 003 386 (10am-4pm)
- Haddington Citizens advice Bureau 01620 824 471 10-4 weekdays
- Royal Voluntary Service local number 01875 811 011
- East Lothian Community Care Forum 01620 822 212
- Carers of East Lothian 0131 665 0135,
- Crossreach Counselling Lothians 0131 552 8901
- East Space https://eastspace.org.uk/
National Support & Advice Lines
- Parentline 0800 028 22 33
- Childline 0800 1111 free
- Age Scotland 0800 12 44 222 (mon fri 9-5)
- Cool 2 Talk https://cool2talk.org/
- Samaritans – 0131 221 9999 or 116 123free
- Breathing space – 0800 83 85 87
- Saneline – 0300 304 7000
- Changes – 0131 653 397
- Mind Infoline – 0300 123 3393
- Arthritis Care Scotland – 0141 954 7776
- Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland – 0131 225 6963 or 0808 801 0899
- Capability Scotland 0131 337 9876 or 01620 825 937
- Royal Voluntary Service – 0330 555 0315
- We are With You –
- Scotland Drinkline on 0300 123 1110
Mental Health support
- ELHSCP’s CWIC Mental Health Support line on 01620 642 963 Monday to Friday 09.00 to 16.00
- Samaritans – 116 123 24×7
- Breathing space – 0800 83 85 87
- 1st response – 07966 526 452
- Crosseach – 01875 814 833
- Changes 0131 653 3977
- Know the score – 0333 230 9468
- Campaign to end loneliness https://www.campaigntoendloneliness.org/
Local Groups where you can offer help or request assistance
- Churches
- St Marys Parish 01620 823109
- St Marys RC – 01620 822138
- Holy Trinity Church – 01620 826667
- Holy Trinity is open every day for anyone wanting to spend a few moments of quiet or reflection during the day.
- West Church 01620 822213
- Haddington Community Church – ali@haddingtoncommunitychurch.org 07545316699
- Athelstaneford Church – 01620 880536
- Haddington Community Council – https://www.facebook.com/groups/HaddingtonCommunityCouncil/ 07592 003 386
- Royal Voluntary Service – 0330 555 0315 or 01875 811011. We have volunteers throughout East Lothian doing shopping for vulnerable, older people.
- Carers of East Lothian have a carer support worker available Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm, who can be reached on 0131 665 1035 or via centre@coel.org.uk
- Volunteer Centre | East Lothian (volunteereastlothian.org.uk)
- Volunteering | Volunteering | East Lothian Council
- Active East Lothian | Volunteer Opportunities
Business Support
- HMRC helpline 0800 0159 559 https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/hm-revenue-customs
- www.findbusinessSupport.gov.scot – 0300 303 0660 mon fri 8:30-5:30
- ELC business gateway https://www.bgateway.com/local-offices/east-lothian/local-support 01620 807 608
- Uk Government Business pages https://www.gov.uk/browse/business
Haddington Community Council Resiliency Plan
Click here to view the document Haddington and District CC resilience plan V1.6
Haddington and District Community Council and other organisation have a number of ways for the community to access funding and help.
Haddington & District Community Council Grants and Funding
Haddington & District Community Council has funds to assign to Local Groups, Individuals, or Activities that can show it will benefit the community.
Haddington Community Council has a limited budget which is allocated throughout the year to fund our varied activities. Since our budget is finite, some or all our funding requests will not be successful. This policy gives us a set of criteria to be used when determining which ones are to be successful.
If successful, we then need guidelines on the amount we can offer. A simply fixed amount limit is not appropriate as it’s too simplistic when applying this to the varied sizes and needs of the groups who make requests i.e. a club needing to buy books for £50 can’t be compared against a club who perhaps need £1,500 to fix a club roof.
To this end, we will offer 2-tiered funding options –
- A 100% funding option if the value is up to £250 – assuming all other criterion has been met. This payment can be made immediately.
- If over £250 we apply a “50%” matched funding rules up to a maximum payment value of £1,500 – assuming we have this money available, and all other criterion checks have been met.
There will be no phasing-in of the fixed £250 limit. If a request is for £260 or £1,500, they will have to match fund 50% i.e. £130 or £750 for the examples given. This will hopefully encourage genuine request amounts being sought.
Owing to the matched funding condition, payment of any monies will be made when the fund matching has been proven. Details of this method are detailed later in the form below
To access the Local Funding request form please click HDCC Funding Application Form
Food & Clothing Grants
Haddington & District Community Council has been successful in securing funding to support local families who are experiencing difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have set up the HCC Food Voucher and Clothing Grant scheme for local Families.
Referrals to these grants should be made by either a professional or agency working with an individual or family who are experiencing financial difficulties and need a helping hand to purchase food shopping and or clothing.
The person making the referral should specify how much they think the individual/family needs to assist them at this time.
The cash grant cannot be used to purchase alcohol or tobacco, all receipts must be returned to the person who has made the referral.
The H&DCC will then review the application, decide how much is to be awarded as a grant, and arrange for the person making the referral to be given the cash grant. These grants are open to everyone in the Haddington and Lammermuir ward and will be awarded as long as we have the funds. If anyone requires any further information please contact us
Referral Form can be downloaded from HERE
Lammermuir Larder
The Lammermuir Larder, based in Haddington is a new food initiative run by volunteer members of the community, for people who find themselves in need of emergency food and support.
This service operates by a referral process, either from a professional who is familiar with the individual or family, or from the individual/ family themselves. At all times referrals are kept strictly confidential. Once the referral has been received, a “larder list” will be sent out detailing products that are available. Once the completed list has been returned, the larder box or bags will be delivered to the person in needs door. Referral forms can be obtained online below, by private messaging us on face book or by emailing team@lammermuirlarder.co.uk. Further information can also be obtained by ringing 07483 911391.
Local Authority Funding
East Lothian Council provide many different types of funding for various groups and activities within the county. Pease visit their website to find out more.
Funding for community organisations
National Funding
Funding Scotland – Funding Scotland is a service provided by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations to provide access to up to date, high-quality information on funding opportunities that is vital to third sector organisations in Scotland.
Big Lottery Fund – Grants from £300 to £500,000 for projects in a variety of areas are available from the Big Lottery Fund.
BBC Children in Need – BBC Children in Need award grants for projects working with disadvantaged children and young people, aged 18 and under
Alec Dickson Trust – The Alec Dickson Trust have awards of up to £500 for people under 30 towards local community projects.
Comic Relief – Comic Relief provide grants for UK or international projects.
Commercial Grants and Funding
Various companies and organisations have their own funds to help the community, below is a list of companies within our area that have funds groups can apply to.
Tesco Bags of Help – Bags of Help is Tesco’s local community grant scheme, which funds thousands of community projects every year.
Greggs Foundation – Greggs Foundation is a grant-making charity which aims to build stronger, healthier communities in the areas where Greggs’ operates.
The Co-operative – Community groups and co-operatives can apply for support from The Co-operative.
Do you know a Haddington Hero? We’re asking you, the Haddington community to nominate your unsung community hero who went above and beyond helping others during the last two years.
Haddington Heroes 2023
To commemorate the 125th anniversary of the planting of the Sequoidendran Giganteum (Wellingtonia) at Memorial Park, Haddington, Our Community Kitchen and Haddington District Community Council invited local school children to create some art to be distributed to care homes, day centres and independent living complexes in the local area to spread some colour and cheer.
The whole collection of cards, created by local school children from the schools here, are all on display at the Haddington Library and the Star Room of the John Grey Centre. So why not make a visit and see the whole collection this month?
Our Community Kitchen is a registered charity set up to reduce isolation for people of all ages and abilities by bringing people together around a table to enjoy wholesome, home-cooked, nutritious food allowing friendships to form. We also grow our own food in our community garden.
We have a wonderful staff and volunteer team made up of local people who operate with patience, empathy and dependability.
If you would like to find out more, please get in touch as we would love to hear from you.
Please call Alison on 07500148278
or email hello@ourcommunitykitchen.org.uk
Facebook @ourcommunitykitcheneastlothian
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Links to Local Sites and Services
If you wish to be included on here please contct us

Lammermuir Larder

Wifi In East Lothian

John Gray Centre

Friends Of the River Tyne

Shop Haddington

East Lothian Council

Haddington The Hidden Toun

Our Community Kitchen
- The Brunton announces busy programme for March
- Plans drawn up for speakers night in aid of town football club
- Sixty-year link between towns to be celebrated next month
- Town centre pub clinches prestigious award at Houses of Parliament
- Speeding on major route into town being monitored by police
- Group urged to keep Facebook page up to date after no posts for 15 months
- Series of sculptures unveiled across East Lothian as part of Covid memorial project
- Plans for dramatic transformation of town centre site continuing to progress
- Tree to be planted in memory of much-missed town stalwart
- Fishing season opening ceremony to be held on the River Tyne