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Vintage Sewing Machine Basics

April 12 @ 10:30 - 13:30


The workshop will cover, basics of bobbin winding and threading, tension adjustments, basic maintenance, and what to do with that box of mystery attachments that came with your machine.
There will also be a couple of the more unusual optional attachments to try out, did you know you can sew buttonholes on these old machines too, and do free style embroidery?
The workshop will also include making a small sewing project, to practice using your machine.
Hand crank machines and even treadle ones are welcome, if you can carry it in! It must be in good working condition. Otherwise you are welcome to use one of Isabella’s collection of hand crank vintage Singer machines, we can try to match you up with the one you have at home, if you send us a photo. Or if you gave any other questions about the suitability of your machine, please get in touch.
This workshop is aimed at the old black style vintage machines such as the very popular Singers. These came as hand crank, treadle and electric versions. You are welcome to bring your own but, if it is electric, it must be safe to use, preferably been checked by an electrician. Old electrical wiring can become unsafe with age.
We reserve the right to refuse to use a machine in the workshop if it is thought unsafe in any way.


April 12
10:30 - 13:30
Event Category:


Made In East Lothian
The Arts Hub, 21 a Hardgate
Haddington, EH41 3
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