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Table-Top Sale

March 29 @ 11:00 - 15:00


Come along to our table-top sale on Saturday the 29th of March from 11am – 3pm We are giving the community the opportunity to hold a stall at the abandoned garage next door to MADE in East Lothian for just £10 per stall! We have a few trestle tables available but you can also bring your own.
All stall holder contributions will help us raise funding for the Marketgate Community Project! For more information on the project, please head over to our website: https://www.madeineastlothian.org/marketgate/
What a great excuse for decluttering and getting your spring cleaning underway! You could sell items like antiques, vintage bricabrac, upcycled furniture, instruments, handmade goods, or even home baking!
Please get in touch via facebook messenger to book your spot
@ Marketgate Community Haddington or email us at marketgate.community.haddingtion@gmail.com and we will send you the stall holder guidelines. All going well, we are hoping to make this a regular monthly event.


March 29
11:00 - 15:00
Event Category:


Made In East Lothian
The Arts Hub, 21 a Hardgate
Haddington, EH41 3
+ Google Map